Η σπατάλη σας σας κάνει πλούσιους, γιατί μόνο
γύρω από το στίβο, όπου όλοι πολεμούν για την επιβίωση, θα βρείτε το νόημα της μάχης
ανακαλύπτοντας μιας διαφορετική γωνία επίθεσης
μόνο εκείνο το απόγευμα που θα ξεκλέψετε από τη δουλειά και θα αφιερώσετε στην
απόλυτη ελευθερία του έρωτα, θα εκτιμήσετε το αίσθημα του καθήκοντος μόνο σε εκείνο το
διάλειμμα του ενός τετάρτου μεταξύ ιστορίας και μαθηματικών, θα μάθετε
πραγματικό κάτι. Γι’ αυτό, μη φοβάστε. Πάρτε τη μιζέρια και πετάξτε τη στον
τοίχο. Παραγγείλτε σαμπάνια. Με τα ψιλά που ο άπλετος χρόνος του κόσμου θα σας επιστρέψει
σε αντάλλαγμα του ελάχιστου χρόνου της ύπαρξής σας, εσείς παραγγείλτε σαμπάνια.
(Αντιγράφοντας τα λόγια του A. Scurati, από το εξαιρετικό παιδαγωγικά
βιβλίο του «Δάσκαλος και μαθητής»)
After School is over you're playing in the park
Don't be out too late, don't let it get too dark
They tell you not to hang around and learn what life's about
And grow up just like them - won't you let it work it out
- and you're full of doubt
Don't do this and don't do that
What are they trying to do?- Make a good boy of you
Do they know where it's at?
Don't criticize, they're old and wise
Do as they tell you to
Don't want the devil to
Come out and put your eyes
Maybe I'm mistaken expecting you to fight
Or maybe I'm just crazy, I don't know wrong from right
But while I am still living, I've just got this to say
It's always up to you if you want to be that
Want to see that
Want to see that way
- you're coming along!
I can see you in the morning when you go
to school
Don't forget your books, you know you've got to learn the golden rule,
Teacher tells you stop your play and get on with your work
And be like Johnnie - too-good, well don't you know he never shirks
- he's coming along!
Don't forget your books, you know you've got to learn the golden rule,
Teacher tells you stop your play and get on with your work
And be like Johnnie - too-good, well don't you know he never shirks
- he's coming along!
After School is over you're playing in the park
Don't be out too late, don't let it get too dark
They tell you not to hang around and learn what life's about
And grow up just like them - won't you let it work it out
- and you're full of doubt
Don't do this and don't do that
What are they trying to do?- Make a good boy of you
Do they know where it's at?
Don't criticize, they're old and wise
Do as they tell you to
Don't want the devil to
Come out and put your eyes
Maybe I'm mistaken expecting you to fight
Or maybe I'm just crazy, I don't know wrong from right
But while I am still living, I've just got this to say
It's always up to you if you want to be that
Want to see that
Want to see that way
- you're coming along!